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Steffen van Heijningen
Feb 45 min read
Hypnobirthing: The neurobiology behind a calm and relaxed birth
This blog is written from the perspective of Steffen, Lysanne's partner, neurobiologist, and practice manager of mirasoon! I was...
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Nicole Stoel
Jan 78 min read
Our colleague Nicole's delivery
On July 27, 2024, Nicole gave birth to her son Raf. Under the guidance of Lysanne and colleague Shauna. It was a great 'Team building' in...
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Nicole Stoel
Dec 7, 20244 min read
Vaginal discharge during pregnancy.
Help! So many changes occur in your body during pregnancy, including things that are not often discussed, such as this topic. Scouring...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Sep 23, 20244 min read
5 reasons why being pregnant in Curaçao is unique
Being pregnant is a special time in your life, and in Curaçao this special time gets an extra dimension. But what makes it so special?...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Sep 2, 20245 min read
The fight for better maternity care in Curaçao: we continue to fight for change
Maternity care in Curaçao is at a crossroads. While many parts of the world are making progress in how they support women during...
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Meike de Bruijn
Jul 26, 20244 min read
Pregnancy course Mirasoon "A healthy baby is not all that matters".
Maybe a strange statement? What matters is that the baby is healthy, right? Well, not quite. A healthy mother (and healthy parents) play...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Jun 10, 20244 min read
Do I need extra magnesium during my pregnancy?
After reading the text below you can probably fill it in yourself! Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body, but also for your...
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Fleur Assink
May 29, 20244 min read
Pregnant! Are you already taking folic acid?
This is probably one of the first questions you are asked when you first see your midwife. But why exactly? And what if your body cannot...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Apr 29, 20243 min read
Water birth: the do's and don'ts
The choice for a water birth is increasingly becoming more popular because of the significant benefits for mother and child. However, you...
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Lysanne van Heijningen
Nov 30, 20234 min read
From a quiet day to an emergency.
It is a quiet day, a holiday, the morning starts with an ultrasound and then a maternity visit. There are no appointments scheduled for...
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Lysanne van Heijningen
Nov 29, 20235 min read
“Pelvis in which you can turn a Mercedes”
Beautiful home birth on Curaçao In one of my last internships during my midwifery training, I went to a maternity visit, the baby was...
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Lysanne van Heijningen
Sep 27, 20234 min read
My first home birth on Curaçao
My first home birth on Curaçao! Early in the pregnancy the decision was made with conviction for a home birth, fortunately the pregnancy...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Feb 21, 202311 min read
Preparing for a relaxed delivery
Pregnancy is a unique experience for every woman and her partner. Every birth story is different, and the road leading up to it with all...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Aug 3, 202214 min read
De zwangerschap en de bevalling, medicaliseren of ‘back to basics’?
De zwangerschap; de draagtijd voor het ontstaan van nieuw leven, van ons nageslacht. De zwangerschap is een tijd die gepaard gaat met...
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Lysanne van Heijningen
Apr 13, 20229 min read
Empowerment and autonomy in maternity care? Part 2
I am a midwife and now I have to give birth myself Warning: graphic content So I knew exactly what to expect During my first pregnancy,...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Apr 8, 20223 min read
Empowerment and autonomy in maternity care?
A very relevant topic at the moment, especially in the Netherlands, where the government will soon make a choice regarding integrated...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Mar 28, 20223 min read
What is the 13 week scan?
The 20-week scan has been used in prenatal screening for years. This is also known as the structural ultrasound examination (SEO), or an...
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Steffen van Heijningen
Feb 7, 20223 min read
Pregnant in Curaçao, what can I expect?
On vacation, just moved, or do you live on Curaçao and are you pregnant? How does that work and what do you have to take into account?...
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