Pregnancy is a unique experience for every woman and her partner. Every birth story is different, and the road leading up to it with all the preparation is a special time. Proper preparation for the delivery can help to ensure that the delivery goes smoothly and that you can look back on a positive birth. Education is power!
Unfortunately, there is no all-in-1 solution for a smooth delivery, and as mentioned, everyone's route to it is unique, and not everything is for everyone. In this blog we discuss a number of techniques and methods that have been proven from science and practice to contribute positively to making the birth process smoother and more comfortable.
Getting your body ready
There are a number of things you can do to prepare your body for childbirth.
In my opinion, doing certain exercises is what has the most effect. Nowadays we spend a large part of our time sitting in a chair, this has the effect that our pelvis is less mobile and that the muscles attached to the pelvis are short and sometimes out of balance (the Psoas and QL muscles). By regularly doing certain exercises during pregnancy, you can make these muscles flexible and lengthen them, resulting in more room in your pelvis and a ultimately a smoother birth.
Herbal teas have been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many ailments. During pregnancy and childbirth, herbal teas can be used to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety and help with common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, heartburn and insomnia.
There are 2 teas that also have a positive effect on your uterus. These are raspberry leaf tea and lady's mantle tea.
Raspberry leaf tea has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the uterus, it can ensure that the muscles can contract and relax better. Something that has a positive effect on the strength of the contractions and the duration of the delivery. The advice is not to drink this tea until 36 weeks of pregnancy and then 1-3 cups a day.
Lady's mantle tea can ensure better contractions of the uterus and would therefore have a contraction-initiating effect. In addition, it also helps after childbirth for stronger and better contractions, so that the uterus recovers faster and there is less blood loss. The advice is to drink this tea from 37 weeks of pregnancy and then 1-3 cups a day.
There are even more fine teas for during pregnancy! View them in our webshop.
In addition to being packed with good nutrients, dates also contain substances that have a positive effect on the softening of the cervix and the production of oxytocin. Research has shown that women who ate 6 dates a day from 36 weeks; were 6-7 hours faster to full dilation, 96% of these women had a spontaneous onset of labor (vs. 79%), and additional stimulation with a syntocinon infusion was required less often (28% vs. 46%).
In addition, eating dates also has a positive effect on the start of breastfeeding. So eat them straight out of the hand, make smoothies, bliss balls, etc!
Postures during childbirth
Keep moving! I can't say it often enough, but moving during labour remains one of the most important things in striving for a smooth and smooth delivery. Our pelvis is not static but dynamic, so that means it has mobility; movement. But only if we actually move and switch between different positions. By lying still on the bed, we ensure little to no movement, and we also make the space in the pelvis even smaller by pushing the tailbone inwards.
If you look very closely at the pelvis, you can see that it consists of 3 planes;
1; Pelvic entrance, inlet
2; Pelvic space, midpelvis
3: Pelvic outlet, outlet
To create space in each plane, different movements are required, so staying in the same position constantly is not beneficial. The great thing is if you let a woman give birth completely undisturbed and let her listen to her body, she will take the position that is most favorable for that moment in childbirth.
In my course I discuss in detail the different postures in different stages of childbirth.
It is of course very easy to keep moving and adopt different postures, but it is not as easy for everyone. In the case of a hospital birth, you quickly get attached to the CTG (heart film/monitor), but even then it is often still possible to stand next to the bed or move on a yoga ball. If the woman has an epidural, it becomes more difficult, the legs are then too weak to get out of bed. But then you can also switch from side position or sit upright with your knees slightly raised (like on a throne).
Discuss possible postures with your healthcare provider, know well in advance what options you have and what you can do to expand your options.
photo credits: Denver birth photographer
Dealing with pain
Controlled and relaxed breathing has several benefits;
Enough oxygen for yourself and the baby
Can be used as a focus point and as a distraction from the pain
Creating space in your abdomen and pelvis
Releasing tension
Increasing endorphins
Cramped breathing causes increased muscle tension throughout your body, including your pelvic floor. This can hinder the opening. That's why we say: jaw loose is pelvic floor loose. Try tightening one and relaxing the other; it's impossible.
Hyperventilation causes an imbalance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, resulting in less oxygen to all tissues and organs, and therefore also to the baby. Stress hormones also increase with cramped breathing, which counteracts oxytocin and endorphins and can therefore have a negative effect on the strength and effectiveness of the contractions and the pain experience. It should be clear that breathing is a very important point.
Soft touch
Soft touch is a technique that can help women relax and reduce pain during childbirth. This technique involves gentle massage and touch from her partner or support person and can help release tension and promote relaxation, making contractions more manageable.
Soft touch is basically light, gentle touches on specific areas of the body, such as the back, shoulders or feet. Soft touch causes an increased production of oxytocin, the hug/love hormone, but also the hormone that causes contractions. In addition, it also releases endorphins, the body's own painkillers. So 2 birds with 1 stone, better contractions but also more natural pain relief.
In addition, the release of oxytocin can help promote feelings of attachment and bonding between the mother and her partner or support team, which can lead to a positive birth experience overall.
Light touches to these areas, such as light caressing, can promote relaxation, reduce pain and anxiety, and create a deeper bond between the pregnant woman and her partner (or support person). Start with this during pregnancy and try to build in moments with your partner to do this in a relaxed atmosphere.
Another form of soft touch is, for example, placing a soft, warm cloth on the forehead, neck or feet, or gentle massage to make your pregnant partner feel more comfortable.
"When I mention during the course that a comb can help with contractions, I often get confused looks"
During the contractions, the baby is pushed into the pelvis, which puts pressure on different parts of the pelvis and hips. By using counter pressure you can reduce the pain of this. This can be done with 1 or 2 hands, a flat hand or a fist or using a small ball. Covering the hips with both hands and applying light to moderate pressure (hip squeeze) can also provide relief.
Rebozo is a technique that originated in Mexico. With the help of a woven cloth/scarf, the pelvis or abdomen is covered and slightly wiggled back and forth. The cloth provides support and/or counterpressure and the movement has a relaxing effect on the muscles and the body.
Our body has multiple pressure points that affect different parts of our body. There are pressure points that can have a positive effect on the uterus and contractions, but also that can help with relaxation and pain relief.
The comb
When I mention during the course that a comb can help with contractions, I often get confused looks. But a comb works in 2 different ways; 1 pressure points and 2 distractions. You use a comb (preferably 1 with wider teeth) by placing it with the teeth in your hand and closing your hand during a contraction and squeezing the comb. The teeth hereby apply pressure to various points in your hand that are known to help with pain and relaxation. In addition, part of your focus goes to the sensation in your hand, so that the pain of the contractions is less registered and therefore felt less.
Hydrotherapy is actually a very fancy name for the use of water such as a warm bath or shower. The warmth of the water relaxes the muscles and increases the release of oxytocin and endorphins. This has the effect that the cervix opens more easily, the contractions are more powerful, but also that the pain is experienced as less intense. In a bath/pool it is easy to adopt different positions and to keep your pelvis mobile so that the child can descend more easily.
Another very nice advantage is better blood circulation in your perineum and therefore less chance of tears or a cut ;).
photo credits: Stephanie Ralls
A TENS machine is a small device that sends small electrical impulses to specific areas of the body, such as the lower back. These impulses have a number of effects;
They disrupt the nerve conduction that causes pain sensation
They help muscles relax
They stimulate the release of endorphins
The Elle Tens is a tens device specially developed for during childbirth, it is a user-friendly small device that the woman in labor can hold herself. On the side is a "boost" button that increases the impulses during a contraction. As a result, there is also a contraction timer that keeps track of how often the contractions come and how long they last.
And while TENS machines are usually associated with pain relief during childbirth, it can certainly be used effectively during pregnancy to help relieve back pain, pelvic pain and sciatica, for example.
Useful links regarding the TENS:
Affirmations are short, positive statements that can be used to help women maintain a positive mindset and reduce fear and anxiety during pregnancy and childbirth. When used consistently, affirmations can help women focus on the positive aspects of their pregnancy and delivery, and help give you confidence in your own body's natural abilities.
Some examples of affirmations that can be used during pregnancy and childbirth are:
"My body is designed to give birth naturally."
"I trust my body's ability to deliver."
"I am strong and capable."
"Each contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby."
"My baby is safe and sound."
"I am surrounded by love and support."
"I am relaxed and at ease."
These affirmations can be repeated to yourself during pregnancy and delivery, silently or aloud. They can also be written down and hung in a visible place, such as on a mirror or in the delivery room, or take a look at affirmation cards. This is all to serve as a visual reminder of the positive attitude the woman is trying to maintain.
"It can sometimes come across as woolly, but trust me! It works and has a real scientific background"
Other relaxation techniques
There are also other relaxation techniques that are widely used and can be a nice way during pregnancy and childbirth, examples of which are breathing exercises, visualization and meditation. It can sometimes come across as woolly, but trust me! It works and really has a scientific background, for example a clear effect on lowering stress (and the stress hormones released as a result).
Visualization is another technique that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress during labour. For example, you can try to imagine yourself in a quiet and calm environment, such as a beach or a forest. This can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Meditation is another technique that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress during labour. Women can practice meditation by sitting quietly and focusing on their breathing. This can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation
Listening to calming and relaxing music can help reduce anxiety and help you relax during labour. Make a playlist in advance with nice / favorite songs, or search for special playlist in Spotify that are specially made here.
Hypnobirthing is a technique that uses self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques to reduce pain and anxiety during childbirth. It can be taught in classes or through online courses and can be an effective way to promote a smooth and relaxed delivery.
Read more about hypnobirthing:
There have been several studies that have examined the effectiveness of hypnobirthing for reducing pain and anxiety during childbirth. Here are some references to scientific studies on hypnobirthing:
1. Smith CA, Levett KM, Collins CT, et al. Relaxation techniques for pain management in labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;3:CD009514. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009514.pub3
This review examines the effectiveness of relaxation techniques for pain management during labour, including hypnobirthing. The review found that hypnobirthing may be effective in reducing pain medication use during labor and in improving overall satisfaction with the delivery.
2. Werner A, Uldbjerg N, Zachariae R, Wu CS, Nohr EA. Antenatal hypnosis training and childbirth experience: a randomized controlled trial. Birth. 2013;40(4):272-280. doi:10.1111/birt.12071
This study investigated the effects of hypnosis training on childbirth. The study found that women who took hypnosis training, such as a hypnobirthing course, had less anxiety and fear during childbirth were more likely to report having had a positive childbirth experience.
3. Mottershead K, Spiby H. "It's your body, it's your baby, it's your birth": a narrative analysis of women's experiences of self-hypnosis for labour and childbirth. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2016;16(1):229. doi:10.1186/s12884-016-1018-9
This study examined women's experiences of using self-hypnosis for labor and delivery. The study found that women who used hypnosis reported feeling more in control of their bodies and the birthing process, less anxious and better able to cope with pain during childbirth.
Aromatherapy involves using essential oils, such as lavender or peppermint, to promote relaxation and reduce pain during labour. Essential oils can be added to a diffuser or applied topically to the skin or, for example, when lighting a scented candle.
What is an important perspective when it comes to aromatherapy is using a familiar scent. Your sense of smell is strongly linked to your memory, especially spatio-temporal memory, simply put: a location + time combination. Have you ever had a bad experience associated with a smell? And then you come across that smell again later in your life, which immediately reminds you of that period? Or the other way around, a scent that reminds you of a very nice special moment or a nice time in your life.
This way you can also prepare for childbirth with a certain scent. Take several moments during your pregnancy to create pleasant moments and relaxation and apply a scent that you like and keep repeating it. A good one to use for this throughout pregnancy is for example Lavender.
Important! Always consult with an aromatherapist or your healthcare provider about suitable aromas for specific periods of pregnancy.
To put this story together, we can say that preparing for a smooth and relaxed birth is certainly possible, education is power! There is a wide variety of techniques and strategies that can be used for both women and their partner(s) for relaxation, comfort and ultimately a positive birth experience. By working together and taking a proactive attitude, women/couples can feel stronger, more confident and in control during what can be a challenging but certainly very special and fun time.
We regularly mention the partner(s) in this article, while a pregnancy is about the pregnant woman, right? Make no mistake, the partner plays a vital role in supporting the women during pregnancy and childbirth. Taking childbirth classes together, practicing breathing techniques, and teaching and helping each other with relaxation, touch, and massage can all contribute to a more relaxed and positive birth experience.
Let's also state first that we don't think that a natural approach or tool offers an all-in-one solution. Also from the medical angle there are many tools in the arsenal that are not only very useful during childbirth / birth, sometimes also crucial. We are medically and scientifically trained, but we do have a clear eye for the capacity of a human body and a clear mental strength behind many aspects mentioned in this piece. We are capable of much more than you sometimes think, it's just between your ears 😉
Explore and discover especially for yourself, from these many different techniques, what works best for you / you. Everyone is different and has a unique story. With the right mindset, preparation and support, we hope you will approach childbirth with confidence, empowerment and a sense of calm, ultimately leading to a positive and memorable experience (and health) for mother, baby and partner.
Always feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!
Steffen and Lysanne