On vacation, just moved, or do you live on Curaçao and are you pregnant? How does that work and what do you have to take into account?
First of all: maternity care is very good in Curaçao! There is a large network of general practitioners, obstetricians, gynaecologists and ultrasound practices. But also fun pregnancy courses, breastfeeding information and yoga. In many aspects, maternity/pregnancy care is very similar to that in the Netherlands, also because most people have been trained there. So how does it work?
The first step is to make an appointment with your general practicioner. Here you can discuss what might be the best approach for you, you might have certain concerns or wishes, or you have an indication for extra guidance or care (for example, diabetes or high blood pressure). There are also general practitioners who can make a first early ultrasound, or who have a collaboration with an ultrasound practice to perform this. This is generally covered by your insurance.
After this, the choice can be made for care and check-ups with the obstetrician/midwife or the gynaecologist. You must have a referral from your GP for this. Under the supervision of the midwife, you can give birth in the maternity hospital 'kraamkliniek' (they also have a birthing pool), or at home. If you want the latter, make sure you make this clear to your midwife! If you choose for guidance and monitoring by a gynaecologist, the delivery will by definition take place in a hospital.
The NIPT test, a screening for possible chromosomal abnormalities, is also available on the island. However, the costs are for your own account. There are a number of laboratories that can conduct this test, which are sent to Belgium for analysis.
What about an ultrasound in Curaçao?
The dating scan (to determine the due date) and the structural ultrasound examination (20 weeks ultrasound; SEO) are offered as a standard, also a combination test can be performed on request. All other ultrasounds (early ultrasound, growth ultrasound, placenta localization, positioning scan) require an indication or can be performed on request. Are you under the care of a gynaecologist? Then an ultrasound will often be done during the check-up.
The 13-week ultrasound was recently introduced in the Netherlands. This is not yet standard practice on Curaçao, but it is possible. This is an early ultrasound to look for any abnormalities, but also, for example, to measure the nuchal fold.
Expecting a baby is a special time! The one who carries and the unborn child have a very special connection with each other. An ultrasound helps to strengthen this bond, especially for the partner(s) of the pregnant woman, who cannot feel the unborn child in the belly themselves. There are several practices on Curaçao that offer non medical ultrasounds, such as a 3D ultrasound.
After all, you're not sick when you're pregnant, so it doesn't have to be all medical. The most important thing is to enjoy this time, without too much stress and/or anxiety.
Is Zika still something to worry about?
The Zika virus, which can be transmitted via the Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito), can be harmful to the unborn child. In 2015, there was a major outbreak of this virus in Brazil, which spread to South and Central America, but also to the Caribbean, including Curaçao. However, since 2019, the risk of contracting this virus has decreased significantly, and there is no longer any negative travel advice for pregnant women to these areas. There have also been no infections with Zika on Curaçao for a long time, so you don't have to worry about this!
Enjoy a tropical pregnancy
All in all, Curaçao is an ideal place to go on holiday or to live if you are pregnant. You can enjoy this time in the tropical sun to the fullest, just don't forget to put on sunscreen!
Model: Savine Elisabeth
Photographer: Tommy Brugman